
Where has January Gone??

I woke up today and thought... Oh My! The month is almost over!! 2011..is rushing by so quickly!

I am sure you are all asking yourselves, "Where has Olive been??".  I have been here and there.. up there and down there, but mostly... sleeping near Mom while she works. Sigh....

We have had some adventures and have been seeing some interesting things on our daily walks. 
We saw that one night last week... I think it was stalking me!
You have to look real close to see what that is in the tree... before you click , can you guess what I was looking at?? I bet you can!!

I have been helping Mom bake some yummy treats for me to eat!!
Eating my food tastes so delicious now since I got my new bowls for Christmas!! 

I guess 2011 has been just fabulous so far!! It does need to slow down ...or at least give me chance to catch up to it!

Have a Wooferful Week and I will be by to say hello! Look for my licks!


Wordless ....Belated Birthday Wishes!

                                                      Happy Belated Birthday Mom!
Woof Woof! Tail Wags and A Million Licks to You Mom!!!