Spectacular Tongue-tacular Contest Entry!

Hope everyone had a great week!!
Yes, you have seen that picture before....BOL! It is my entry for the DOES YOUR TONGUE HANG LOW Contest!
Please stop by and enter today!!

Happy Monday---I found you!

I have to really "wrinkle" my nose for my super puppy powers to activate.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!! We had another band competition..taking FIRST place again! Woof! Woof! Yankees made it to the Woof Series Mom said...she was very happy! So it was a happy weekend for all at our place.
I will be dropping by to see you friends ..so, look for me!
Licks and Tail Wags--
Thank You CocoRue!
Thank you friend for this award! I feel so bad that I have not been able to blog much lately. I have missed you all and promise to stop by and visit everyone in the next day or so.
It has been an uneventful week really...Mom has been working more, the kids are busy with school and band.
Did you catch the Yankees this week?? Wow!! Check them out tonight..even if you are not a fan :)
More rain in Texas too...so walks are wet and muddy! I love it!! I try to roll around in the puddles when Mom is not looking!
Stay dry and GO YANKEES!
Oh Where ..Oh where..has another week gone?
***I am so sorry everyone...we still have to set up the network this week..So I have no pictures right now for you. Do you remember what I look like?
Until I can get Mom to set everything up...here is a little something for you to ponder....hmmm...
10 Reasons Why It's Great to be a Dog
1. If it itches, you can reach it. And no matter where it itches, no one will be offended if you scratch it in public.
2.No one notices if you have hair growing in weird places as you get older.
3.Personal hygiene is a blast: No one expects you to take a bath every day, and you don't even have to comb your own hair.
4.Having a wet nose is considered a sign of good health.
5.No one thinks less of you for passing gas. Some people might actually think you're cute.
6.Who needs a big home entertainment system? A bone or an old shoe can entertain you for hours.
7.You can spend hours just smelling stuff.
8.No one ever expects you to pay for lunch or dinner. You never have to worry about table manners, and if you gain weight, it's someone else's fault.
9.It doesn't take much to make you happy. You're always excited to see the same old people. All they have to do is leave the room for five minutes and come back.
10.Every garbage can looks like a cold buffet to you.
Okay....I think I may have lost a week.....
Barks to you all.....and many apologies for not blogging this week :(
The week really went so fast...every chance I had to blog..Mom got busy or something came up.
My boy that plays that large drum had a regional competetition on Saturday and they............WON! First place and best Visual and General Effect! We are so very proud of him!!
I have a new pc to blog on now and dont have it all the way set up yet..we will finish that in the next few days.
I did get a new leash..my new Lupine! I am so excited to chew it ..ahem.I mean try it out :)
Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!
Monday?? Where did you go?

Wow..Tuesday is here and almost over. It has been hectic and full of activity around here. We met lots of new dogs and their people this weekend! I love to meet the people..one man even asked me for kisses!!!
We had some great walks and today we got caught in the rain. We were out pretty far too and I started running. The rain was so hard and it was sooooooo windy. Mom thought for sure she would fall...she was fine, I watched out for her.
We have many Howlween decorations up around the house...some are very noisy and I want to chew them up!
Have a great week and please everyone stay safe and on your leash!
Have a "Wooferful" Weekend! Don't forget..Polls are Open!
Remember to feed your dog or cat healthy food but to think about the food you consume as well. Your pet needs you to be healthy and active for many years to come.
Check out Three Dog Bakery for a 10% off Coupon to celebrate National All Natural Week!
As always..be sure to check out our Friends at Nibbles All Natural Gourmet Organic Dog Treats
Hope the weekend is "wooferful" friends!
It is Barktoberfest here this weekend so we may be attending that if the doggie costumes are not too scary. Other than that not much going on this weekend..Mom will be working some and the boys have some things happening. I will be tagging along :)
Licks and a Million Tail Wags~~~
** Remember to Vote for Olive please...WE NEED YOUR VOTES!!

Happy October!

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."- Ben Williams
We are having that beautiful rain on this first day of October. We walked a long time in the rain and I found many worms...yummm! Mom refused to take a picture of them. Hmph!
Mom is getting the house ready for this thing she calls Howllean? You guys know anything about this? Lots of those orange balls around she calls pumpkins and a few things that I had to bark at.
Hope you have your face licked by a dog or cat today!
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